Tuesday, September 23, 2014

About this Blog

I chose this topic because the Standard American Diet, the SAD diet, is setting Americans up for obesity.   Along with obesity, comes many health issues and diseases, many of which are completely preventable by simply adjusting your diet.  After the birth of my son, I had trouble dropping the weight and extra belly fat.  I began to work with a personal trainer and nutritionist to target my problem.  Come to find out, the primary issue was sugar intake, and I wasn’t even aware.  I am concerned about my health for my son’s sake.  I would like to be healthy and energized in order to set a good example for him and encourage healthy habits for him early on. 
Image credit: fuelingstrong.com

This blog is for anyone that is struggling to lose fat and/or anyone who is interested in a healthier diet.  In this blog, I hope to inform people of the hidden ingredients in the food we consume daily.  Along with promoting awareness, I would like to provide some helpful tips to be healthier and lose fat.  I hope that readers will contribute with their success stories and healthy tips to inspire others.


  1. This is a very useful topic for a blog and am really looking forward to reading about any tips that you have found for losing the extra pouch that many of us moms are plagued with after having children. I agree that the SAD is overwhelmed by massive amounts of sugar and empty calories. Are you going to include any healthy recipes or tricks to get children to eat healthy foods? I am having an issue with getting my 3 year old to eat fruit (yes, you read that right) and could use some tips. She loves veggies but refuses any kind of fruit I try to give her. Even as a baby she refused to eat fruit baby food. The best I have come up with is juice.

    1. I am able to include plenty of healthy recipes. I have not considered tips for getting children to eat healthy foods because my son eats EVERYTHING. I have never had an issue with him eating, however, I would be happy to research that for you. I understand that many children enjoy eating foods that are arranged in a fun way, such as pancakes shaped as Mickey Mouse. Have you tried to mix fruit in yogurt? or applesauce?

  2. As someone who recently decided to work towards changing their diet and getting in better shape, I am excited to read this blog. I have developed a concern primarily for the meat products we Americans consume, especially when it comes to what was added to them and how the animals we get them from are treated. I look forward to a potential post about this.

    1. I would love to hear about your concerns with meat products. My primary concern was sugar and forms of sugar, but our meat is industrialized as well. That topic would be a fantastic contribution to the blog.

  3. This is a great blog! I am definitely interested in eating healthier and losing weight. I also have the "baby belly" from having children and would like to see it gone. I look forward to see what tips you have to offer!

  4. I think that this blog will be interesting to read and maybe even beneficial towards my health. Everyone can always use some tips about healthy eating. I gained a lot of weight from being in a wheelchair after I broke my leg about a year and a half ago. I've tried physical activity and had some positive results but not back to where I was before. Maybe eating differently could be my answer.

    1. Eating differently could possibly be the answer, however, many people DRINK more sugar than they eat. Being aware of sugar in your beverages is good place to start.
